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Arachnophobia, a tarantula spider climbed onto a girl's hand, a tarantula bite, a funny, b


Face your fears

Time to face those lifelong fears and meet the creatures that you have never been able to before.

Ideal for people scared of Spiders, Snakes, Frogs and Rats


Your fears and phobias are no joke. Many of us have a fear of something in the world. Here at Our Amazing Animal World we can work with you to help conquer fears and phobias of the animal world.


We will work with you at your own pace, in a way to help you be at ease and relaxed. Initially we talk with you to find what fears and phobias you have before seeing if we can encourage you to engage with an animal that in the past would have scared you.

£70 for 2 people

£140 for 4 people

Age restriction for ages 7+

Allow up to around 45 minutes for this encounter

Exotic domestic animal. Girl with snake.
Curious Spider


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